Digital Twin No.2 - Cases of Digital Twin
Hello. This is E8IGHT. Nowadays, a lot of technologies are being combined with machine learning and are being applied into various...

Digital Twin No. 1, What is Digital Twin?
This is E8IGHT, a particle-based CFD Software Development company. We would like to introduce a topic regarding “Digital Twin”. What is...

4th Industrial Revolution, What is Hyper Intelligence?
This is E8IGHT, sharing a news related to Hyper Intelligence and 4th Industrial Revolution! Let’s find out together what “Hyper...

Narrow crack with NFLOW, Water Leak Simulation in Complex Structure
This is E8IGHT a company developing particle-based CFD software NFLOW. On September 25th we had a seminar regarding NFLOW Training at our...

2nd Half of 2019, E8IGHT Healing Workshop <The Second Day>
E8IGHT came back with the second story of our healing workshop! On the second day, we started with a lovely breakfast having a wonderful...

E8IGHT&Kyushu University Academic Exchange Seminar SPH&GPGPU
E8IGHT had a joint research seminar with professor Asai and two researchers from Kyushu University to discuss further details about the...

E8IGHT Healing Workshop
Today, our company has a special news to deliver! We had a healing workshop from September 26th to 28th in Busan Paradise Hotel. Paradise...

E8IGHT NFLOW SPH User Training Seminar
E8IGHT has brought news regarding NFLOW SPH user training seminar! It was held on September 25th at headquarter in our conference room....

The Third Story of NFLOW LBM, Two-dimensional Cavity Flow
NFLOW LBM is going to be released very soon, and as it will be launched, let’s look at an analysis simulated by NFLOW LBM. The analysis...