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[Press Release] E8IGHT-Yonsei Univ. Signed Bio-Simulator Cooperation MOU

On February 25th, E8IGHT and Yonsei University College of Engineering had a MOU signing ceremony of Industry-Academic Cooperation for R&D. The detail of MOU is a joint research on bio-simulator based on the LBM (Lattice Boltzmann Method) solution.

The MOU is about the research on development of bio-simulator and includes the active cooperation on raising the experts through providing the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) SW, NFLOW, for educational purposes.

The LBM based CFD bio-simulator is to discriminate the vein stenosis and simulating the surgery processes and effects with high accuracy. Currently, the development of implementing bio-simulator on heart vein fields is proceeding and will be able to be implemented on various blood flow simulation in a near future.

Jin Kim (E8IGHT CEO) said “Unlike the traditional CFD simulator which can simulate fluids in macroscopic scale, NFLOW LBM is able to simulate the microscopic and mesoscopic scale. The solution of smaller scale simulation is coming in the limelight in semiconductor or bio industries. The collaboration between knowledges of Yonsei university and technologies of E8IGHT will make the great synergy”

E8IGHT and Yonsei university are targeting to release the bio-simulator in the second half of this year with further researches to gain more biological data and applying the direct feedbacks from medical fields.

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