E8IGHT has brought some hot news about NFLOW GREEN!
We are going to show how easy and convenient it is to use NFLOW software through some videos.
Our marketing team has used the software at first hand and was able to make a video of simulation.
| File Creation & Structure Settings
Since it’s hot summer in Korea “Water Park” comes to mind so we’ll name the file [Water Park].
For the next step, load the structure which is a STL file and set the position and angle. Afterwards we also set the structure movement to make it look more realistic.
| Set Property of Particles
Now it’s time to set the property of the particles!
Although it’s possible to arrange the particles from the beginning, in order to put some liveliness we formed particles above the bucket so that the flow of water can be fallen into it.
Next, we set the time of particle generation, size of the plate, position and most importantly the property of the particles. Also, settings of the particle’s radius, viscosity, density are done which will be used in the simulation.
Lastly, maximum number of particles, time of simulation, saving and time step in analysis setting should be done. Then, if you just click ‘analysis implement‘ all the settings are done!
| Post-processing
Now that analysis is done, we should check out the result!
NFLOW is a platform in which pre-processing and post-processing are integrated and result of the analysis can be checked with the same UI instantly.
To check the results, load the analysis results from the folder we designated when we first ran the analysis.
We can even set the elements we want to see in the option section and in this case, we’ll set the analysis area and the generated particle plate invisible.
This is the part where our software can show its strong point which is “Visualization” !
With the same result file we can see the results of the desired shape, such as particles, trajectories, and water effects.
In the case of the water effect, the user can separately set the value to create the desired shape and color of water.
| Result Video
NFLOW program has a recording function in which we can record the result in a desired format and output as shown above.
This time we tried to record the image with particle speed and water effect.
Isn’t it easy to use?
E8IGHT’s NFLOW is a convenient software that anyone can use easily and even our marketing team used it with ease.
Visit our youtube channel to see large-scale simulations and various analysis videos that reflected the actual terrain.
We, E8IGHT will continue to make technologies that will make the world a better place.
Thank you.