Engineer Alex's Daily.

Hello everyone, this is E8IGHT!
Our company provides better CFD analysis with our own LBM and SPH S/W. I want you to meet our SPH engineer in E8IGHT Solution Research Support team, Alex.
I often ride my bicycle to work. The Tancheon bike road, near my place, leads me to my workplace, ‘E8IGHT’. Breathing in the fresh morning air helps me start a great day. Today was a perfect day, with no micro dust, to ride a bike to work. Morning bike road is very comfortable and safe without many people on the road.

There are many delicious places near E8IGHT which makes me hard to choose which to eat every lunch. Today I had pork cutlet with cheese in it. It is very special to have that menu, which is so good, despite it is Chueotang (mudfish soup) main restaurant. During lunch we used to share recent interests or simple talks about work.

After lunch, we used to go upstairs at 6th floor to drink coffees and have some snacks, relieving ourselves for afternoon works. It is good to have this time, sharing stories with other teams.

I am part of the Solution Research Support team, specifically the SPH part, developing the particle-based S/W. Not the existing ‘mesh-based S/W’, it is motivating to develop the new type, ‘mesh-free S/W’.

There are many chances to share some academical exchange with many experts in CFD and SPH fields. This week, we went to the Kyushu university in Japan for joint research. We had been joint researching with professor Asai and other researchers from Kyushu university. I found it so beneficial to ask some theoretical questions and implementing the theory in real world.

Today, we had a team dining, went to the nice place for dinner. Since it passed long time since the last team dining, all of us were so excited. We had a delighted time, as most of us are in similar age with similar interests. Not only our team, in E8IGHT, there is a special culture gathering up for a beer night, which help us to share some information.

This was Alex’s daily. We have noticed the hard work of our engineers to provide high quality S/W for our customers. Please thanks to our hard-working Alex, and this is the end of today’s blog.
Thank you for reading!

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