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E8IGHT, a 3D simulation software company, has signed a business agreement with an overseas solver research company and arranged a bridgehead to enter the global market.

E8IGHT, a CFD software developer and supplier, announced on November 11 that it has developed ‘NFLOW’ that applies SPH and LBM solvers based on HPC(High-performance computing) and high-speed parallel processing technology (GPGPU).

The software can be used in variety of industries such as automobiles, aerospace, energy, machinery, civil engineering, and the company puts an emphasis on getting high attention not only in Korea but also in Europe.

France company that made a business agreement with E8IGHT is well known for its research in CFD solver. It provides solvers to various global companies such as automobile, engineering, and plant companies.

The two companies agree on making synergy effect in terms of technology and distribution. Currently they’re discussing specific business cooperation such as joint ventures.

E8IGHT CEO, Jin-Hyun Kim said “ The French company which we have made a business agreement with has gained recognition for their technology and is now preparing to supply their technology to Airbus, Michelin, and Renault. Through this agreement, we are confident that our technology is competitive in the European market as well as in the global market.”

He also adds “ Both companies will establish a close cooperative relationship in order to achieve goals such as technical cooperation, joint R&D, securing global markets and we expect to enter global markets in earnest. “

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